The God card has been played a lot lately. Rather like any game of cards, it confuses me.
How does the God card work? What happens when the God card is contradictory? Does that mean that it's a fake God card, or that multiple cards can be played at once?
Is the God card something that is used too often? or perhaps not often enough?
What exactly
is the God card?
Maybe everyone has a different conception of what it is, but in my understanding it works like this:
Someone tells you something, and says that it came from God, or that they think God prompted something,
-"I feel that God told me..."
-"This is such a God thing!"
-"I don't know about you, but I'd say this is divine!"
In the past few weeks, the God card seems to have been used a lot. I, myself, used it when I first found the Avonheadroad flat
"Wow... Landlady is a Christian... This
must be God!"
Later the landlady was to muck us around a bit. Suddenly I was wondering if a God card had actually been played or whether it was merely a trick one.
The God card was again used when one of my flatmates told me that she felt God wanted us to have the avonheadroad flat. In my head, i wanted to be as far away from the flat as possible, as the whole place and its atmosphere really upsets me, but what if the flatmate was right and God
did want us to live there? I had felt that we shouldn't be at the flat as a result of all the bad things that had happened there. Now i was contemplating reconsidering my viewpoint as a result of the playing of this God card.
Even more recently, I got a text message from a girl i really look up to. She was inviting me to flat with her. When i went around to meet her and the other flatmates, she told me that a few days earlier my name had popped into her head, and two days later, one of her flatmates announced that she was leaving.
"I think its divine" the girl told me.
Before i left the house, we all prayed together. Two of the girls prayed along the lines of
"Thankyou, God, for bringing Michelle along. Its clear that she's the right person for our house. We hope that you would find another person to take her place at avonheadroad"
Wait a minute!! I had made no decision either way, yet these girls were telling me that God seemed to want me in their flat, and that it was a divine thing. This God card added to my confusion. Maybe they were right and I ought to be living with them.
In some ways, the God card feels like a guilt trip to me.
"God said this..."
or "I think God wants you to..."
How come if God says or thinks something about a thing that i'm involved in He doesn't just say it to me? That would be a whole lot easier!
I know that God does work through other people, but just how often? Is this where the gift of discernment comes in? Or should I just trust the way others play this card?
So when the God card seems contradictory, how do you know which usage is the correct one? If I'm supposed to be at both flats, then why can't i just cut myself in half?
Maybe i shouldn't be at either! Maybe I should go live on the moon with a giant potato and a ten-toed lemur. That would be the solution to all my problems. I'd have company, food, alone time, and eons of time with God! Er anyway...
Playing cards is just confusing. Perhaps we should stick to board games...