I have some exciting news!
Adam and I have a new addition to the family.
Well, more than one addition.
And to our house, not our family.
We have rats.
Yes - rats!
How exciting!!
They are living in our roof, and have been for possibly quite some time. The Pest control man said that they have been having a ball with walnuts (from the neighbours tree that drops nuts into our yard), playing a sort of rat football with them up in our roof, and creating tracks around our ceiling space. He also said that they can jump up to 6 metres, so they have probably been getting in to our roof by climbing the shrubs in our garden, and jumping on to our gutter. This is exciting stuff. I kind of want to see them, but I'm not sure how safe (or easy) that would be - especially seeing as we're attempting to poison them. They might bite me to avenge their baby rat's deaths.
I've gotta admit. Even the thought of being bitten by a rat is kind of appealing. Adventurous and dangeresque...
But never mind, I wont try it. I'll leave the rats to die their noisy deaths.