Sunday, August 01, 2004

Engrish - its every good yes!

Yesterday when i was shopping (for something to wear to the CU ball) with Sally, we went into Kool Zone, the Asian-style shop in Northlands mall.... there was some AMAZING stuff there, and i hunted for the best Engrish example.

The notebooks and exercise books are so awesome, so i ended up getting one with like a Samurai or something on the front, and heres all the awesome Engrish from it:
"During my vagabond years, the yearning of you will serve as my resthouse. "
"hold back the time"
"its every good YES!"
"the beauty of youth not only manifests itself in your face or twinkles in your bright eyes, but also bright eyes, but also shines in your ideal and asepiration and giver off multicoloured light in your brauerand wisdom"
"Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy can't remember"
"your friendly affection is a bright light in my life, illuminating my soul and adding radiance to my life" (ok so that ones not too bad)
"feeling of happiness"
"chaste memory"

- thats all from the same exercise book!!
and the other one:
"haroo the thinking dog"
"My old dreams are flying on the wind. It's a mild and soft afternoon I close my eyes gazing at the memories..."
"A happy world is made up of happy hearts. We invite you to the joyful world of Barunson. Refresh your happiness with us everyday."
"Upgrade your happiness, Barunson"

Isnt that so so fantastic?!
My favourites are "its every good yes"
"During my vagabond years, the yearning of you will serve as my resthouse" WHAT?!?! Unfortunately i got the last Samurai-book thingee, but i will certainly look there again to see if i can find more! I can think of some people who would LOVE THEM!!


Blogger Matt said...

Our toilet door has a sign on it:
"Don't entrance without invited!"

4:39 pm  
Blogger Philotas said...

lol.. Engrish R0XX0r!
Leading on from what Matt said, one of my female friends went to Japan for a semster a year back, and has this photo of a toilet with a huge red arrow over it, pointing down and the words 'Hurry' Written on the arrow!

Samurai good every Yes. Restec-p to your pad! :D

5:20 pm  

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