Friday, July 30, 2004

if you truly love something you have to set it free

*sigh* Nathan's making me post about him. After reading my post about Ben where it mentions Nathan's name, he got worried that you'd all begin to think things. So i told him, never mind, i'll post about the time we hooked up in the dark alleyway. So now i've told you and your curiosity is satisfied.

He he he... no i know you didnt believe that! I dont know why I have to post on this, Dont know why Nathan couldnt have done it *frown* Anyway, to put into newspaper article length rather than trashy novel length, here is the way it happened according to me
Girl meets boy. Girl likes boy. Boy likes girl. Over time girl begins to like boy an awful lot. Boy notices but hopes he's wrong and that it will all blow away. Girl decides she has to tell boy before she gets in too deeply. Tells boy and boy tells her he doesnt like her. Girl can't see why not and is upset. The end.
Actually i think i did quite well... its very short! Nice work.

Now that leads me on to something i've been meaning to post on for a while... i dont care if you dont like my theory (oh yes.. another one! run now if you hate my theories!), cos i like it.
I basically got the idea off Reuben... and so big big thankyou to Reubz, this idea has really helped me to get over Nathan, and other stuff, and to shape my thoughts on the whole love issue.
Basically the whole idea is that love is making sure the other person is 100% happy. (and by happy i dont mean feeling-wise, but fulfilled or satisfied i guess.) Kind of like if i think me and Joe Bloggs are a 9 out of 10 matchwise, and he thinks we're a 6, then he's not 100% "happy".
Love is not selfish. So if we think we are the perfect match for someone, and they dont think the same way about you, the truly loving thing to do is let it go. Like when you (ooh... getting all romantic and poetic here!) have an insect that you are keeping in a jar... if you truly want the best for it, sometimes you have to set it free. (thats a crappy link, but at least you'll see that it is a famous saying!
so yeah, love is unselfish, and all about the other persons happiness over your own. Which is a concept that really helps when i look at me and Nathan, for example. For us to be together is making him compromise an awful lot. And that makes me sad to think that i would be making someone settle for less than they could have.
Yus. hopefully i've said all i wanted to say about that... :)

lemme just say once again, cos through all the rest of the drivel this is all i wanted to get across
love is unselfish. truly loving someone is to put their happiness before your own.


Blogger Philotas said...

A big emphatic TRU DAT!
(oh, and sorry bout that comment of Post Nato depression before! didnt realise there was this in the past! :P oh dear.. worked kind of! :D)

I had to realise that from the other end of the spectrum last year. I wasnt happy, but my gf was. And i kept up with it for a month or two longer because i didnt want to hurt her... in the end i just had to end it. I didnt want it to continue if i couldnt be giving it my all. So yes.. future relationships, it HAS to be both ways.

Preach it sister! why cant my blog be this relevant and informative? :)

2:44 am  
Blogger Notions Incognito said...

Yeay! I'm so glad my blog has actually helped someone instead of just confusing them =) Couldn't agree more with your main point. Real love can be the hardest thing to do, but the most rewarding.

I think most people confuse love with lust these days. I'm talking about 'falling in lust' here. Lust is selfish, while love is 'the-other-person-ish'... =) Lots of people these days are focussing on what they get from a relatioship, instead of what they give. But if both people focus on what they give, well hey - both people make each other happy. That's how it should be.

Good on you.

10:35 am  
Blogger Michelle said...

Dont worry Philotas... i was vewy amused at your post-nato depression comment... i was gonna commend you on your psycic-ness or something, but then i realised i'd have to post the story. But then i ended up having to do it anyway, lol! Its good to know that you recognise what im talking about, re. having to end a relationship because its not equal.
He he, Reuben.. your blog is always helping people :) its generally pretty awesome ... !! What are you dipidy doin?
Paulie boy, dont worry, we know what you mean =)

12:19 pm  
Blogger Nathan said...

*hug* yeah, for what its worth, I'm sorry

Thats a pretty decent summary, but you might consider swapping the girl liking boy and boy liking girl phrases. If you recall, when you first met me you thought I was a geek, and boring... :P

Why I think its best you wrote this first:
1) You mentioned it in the previous post
2) You were at the 'recieving end', so I would not feel right telling the world what had happened, before you.
3) I wouldn't really know what to write...

Anyway, I don't really know what to say or comment here. Its kinda awkward. I think I'll wait to a post of my own.


4:29 pm  

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