Sunday, July 25, 2004

musings from the last few days

I'm feeling rather unwell, to put it nicely, so today is just a few random thoughts from the last couple of days =]
Sam- oh my giddy goodness ! guess what i saw on kids TV yesterday... S.A.M. which stands for Secret Agent Men... about a guy called Sam (i think) whos about 14 and he's a secret agent. Its really funny, cos its almost just a take-the-mickey sort of show... great! Its like the perfect show for you! Especially seeing as you are Secret Agent Man!
Kelly - im glad we had bonding time last night... heh heh.. you're awesome!

What was really cool was driving home, with four other lovely ladies in the car, and i stopped and listened... everyone was singing along to Brooke Fraser, it was just so sweet =) One of those moments that just touch you. Man i love you guys! Sarah, Ray, Amy, Roof....

I've just had a friend, who is an awesome friend, loving, caring, nutter, kind of like a rock to our group, tell me that shes not a christian anymore. I just dont understand how you could decide that?! Im confused!

Heh... *warm fuzzies* i never got dressed today!!! and i dont intend to (while im feeling like this) its great... my pj's are so very comfortable!

Thanks to the Paul-ster for last night... groovy =) we all (i think) had an awesome/fun time... and there was lotsa shenanegins, especially with Spoons, celebrity pot, and the stick-the-name-of-someone-famous-on-your-forehead-and-guess-who-it-is game! Hope Chad didnt get too mad with the silly cad who kept giving him bad names! very sad :(

okay well thats all the Chelle-ster thoughts for you now, you gluttons *wink* will hopefully write something more interesting this week sometime! =)


Blogger Unknown said...

Nah the names didn't bother me to much. Though it was some what annoying that they weren't in any of my fields of interest. eg science, history, tech, authors (action, sci-fi, fantasy, historical or classic) or politics.

Well never mind the game was fun.
Hope (pray as well) you recover soonish from what ever sickness has been bothering you for the last week or so.

1:40 am  
Blogger Ruth said...

yup, driving home was good. yay for singing! yay for you!

11:53 am  
Blogger Kelly said...

Oh Chelle, how could I pass up an opportunity to bond with a spunky chick like you, when you'd already been checking me out last year... *wink, wink*
It was a good nite, aye? Chick flicks are bad, but fire & mates are oh-so-very good...

12:12 pm  
Blogger Michelle said...

Aah... was the chick flick bad then? Nathan mentioned something about it being suck-worthy, but i forgot to ask him about it..

Heh heh, 'Fred' celebrity pot does not involve the smoking of grass-like substances, it is where you have the names of celebrities (or famous stuff) in a pot (or bowl) and you are only allowed a certain number of words to describe to your group what the paper says.. Ask Nathan, he played =)

3:02 pm  
Blogger Philotas said...

yay! :) sounds like a good time was had by all! and as we all know, where theres fire, theres fun! heh heh heh.
But about that friend who says she isnt Christian anymore, thats a trifle worrying.. well, more than a trifle!
Has she said anything more than that? is she disillusioned? what exactly?

not much to say tonight.. so, just a great big Hi-5 to everyone over there! :) And may you have a squirrely day Michelle!

1:21 am  
Blogger Michelle said...

woo hoo! a squirrely day! Im having one of those days where i missed my class cos there were no carparks and i had to park MILES away... and then took my sweater off, cos its nice and warm (har) and sunny... and found out that the shirt im wearing underneath is visibly dirty, lol *grin* So you've cheered me right up!!

Yeah, im quite concerned for my friend.. i emailed her to ask if we could have her house for my murder mystery party, and she wrote back and said yes, and oh by the way, in case you haven't heard over the grapevine i'm not a christian anymore but i still want to hang out with you guys.
So thats really weird. I dont know anything more than that. She grew up in a Christian home, and has been battling with depression, so perhaps they've combined to mean that she doesnt have much personal faith of her own, which isnt a good foundation when you go through the hard times.. but i honestly dont know... I want to ask, but dont want to seem like i'm prying... =(
I dont care what Reuben, Nato and the rest say, i'm gonna pray for her, and hope that God slaps her in the face with a wet fish to turn her around :)
I hope you have a great day, filled with lots of um... hmm... what do you like?(apart from girls) lots of FIRE and um COMICS and um trogdor?

10:45 am  
Blogger Nathan said...

When did I say not to pray for stuff like this? On the contary, prayer is required.
You can't pray that she never went through this, but you can pray that she'll come through it and it'll turn out for the best.

Just on a side note, make sure you respect her request to keep hanging out - it'll be a bit more difficult to hang out, especially with christian things cut out, but yeah, make the effort.

11:19 am  

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