Thursday, July 15, 2004

i love my teeth

just so you can all laugh at me... i will tell you about my morning so far!! Firstly i slept through my alarm, and evertytime i did manage to wake up i just ended up going back to sleep again! After much stuffing around, i was finally ready to leave at 9.25 (for a class at 10, which was cutting it a bit close!)... I get almost to Kaiapoi and i realise that i havent cleaned my teeth, so while i drive, i think about what i could do... go to my aunty's place, and use my finger? nope. go to the supermarket, get a toothbrush, and go to my aunty's place? nope. forget about cleaning them, and just go buy a toothbrush from the uni chemist after class? nope.
Then i noticed that i was basically out of petrol, and the next station was 10 minutes away, in Belfast. So i thought RIGHT! i'll turn around, go home and clean my teeth, stop at a petrol station in rangoon, and just get to class late. So i did just this. My mother didnt even blink when i walked in the door (after leaving 10 minutes earlier) to clean my teeth. Hee hee!! But it wasnt til i was running to class, after some nice boys let me have their parking space, at 10.20 that i realised i only have one class today, and after all that hassle, i was only going to get 30 minutes of class time all day. Hmm... was it even worth being here?!!! lol!!
The insanity of my obsession with cleaning my teeth!!


Blogger Philotas said...

Random Fact!: did you know that brushing your teeth straight after you have a fizzy drink like Coke is actually harmful? Something about the enamel being worn/stripped away, or the coke being trapped between layers (i forget!)
I got that from a friend doing dentistry! :)

2:55 pm  

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