Tuesday, July 06, 2004

aah does Jess know how to host a good evening!

i slept with someone last night after having seen them maybe 2 months ago, but only being introduced 2 weeks ago. yup. some might say thats jumping into a relationship... and it did feel a little weird, but i guess its a compliment to the person who's bed i shared that they put me at ease enough to sleep beside them. =)
Many many seemingly dodgy quotes can be taken from this crazy experience!
These arent exact exact quotes, but are fairly close to what was said:
-i slept with someone last night after meeting them two weeks ago.
-want me to cook you breakfast? its a fair trade seeing as you let me sleep with you.
-thankyou for asking if you can sleep in my bed. most people i know would just jump right in.

aw well thats all i can think of at present... but now i will explain so you're not left hanging, heh heh
I went to Jess's house for Monty Python last night and MP kicked arse, then we all got so relaxed, sharing our feelings and drawing on others faces while they peacefully, blissfully unawares, slept on, that it was rather late /early by the time everyone finally decided to leave. So i asked Jess if i could sleep over to save driving home.. and she even offered me half of her bed! blankets and duvet included! Generous lass that Jess...
So i sed yep... but then i was like "hmm.. this is weird!! i barely know you, and i've only ever shared a bed with another girl once!" but i thought what the hey, its a large bed. And admittedly i feared rolling over all night, and ended up with a numb leg for lying on the same side for too long, he he, but it was nice. We bonded... and, just to make all you guys paranoid, we talked about ya. yup. good girly talks. We even decided on who the most eligible batchelor out of the lot of ya is... yup. exciting talk last night! (/this morning)

Monty Python was way better than I expected too... rather amusing =) my favourite one was the skit with the sheep that were robbing banks and stuff, tee hee hee!
All in all... a great evening of hilarity and shenanegans, plus some Monty python, lol, and a comfy bed to sleep in! Yay go Jess! And yay! go everyone else who was there... you guys are awesome =o) (even the masters of the darkside who defaced me and reduced me to the confused laughingstock, lol!)

and just remember - no two people are not on fire!


Blogger Nathan said...

Speaking of bad quotes, that title is pretty bad...

Its alright of you to talk about who is the most eligible bachelor, but can I politely request next time don't tell us about it? It leads my thoughts down a very unproductive path.

Hehe. It was fun hiding the pen from you :D

5:51 pm  
Blogger Michelle said...

its impressive that you guys all got paranoid, lol. Sorry Nathan for any problems - we didnt actually talk about guys at all... there was no girly chatting about stuff at all really... *cringe* sorry!!

10:23 pm  
Blogger Nathan said...

no worries.
Surely you can make us paranoid in other ways?

12:16 pm  

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