Tuesday, July 13, 2004

now i'm just going to do a general post on what i thought about Get Smart.
I had been hyped up about it for ages, especially since i registered for a mere $40 just after last years conference... but as it got closer to the actual conference, i realised i was not looking forward to it as much as previous years. I felt myself remembering the extreme hype, the singing sessions that go on for, in my opinion, way too long, the speakers that tell more stories than biblical truths, and the youth that proclaim their dedication to Jesus on Saturday, then on monday seem to forget all about it.
So i decided to go in with a slightly cynical attitude, and not accept everything that was thrown at me, which i think is a good attitude to have. We should always be discerning about what people try to tell us (to a certain extent).
This meant that the first night, when the array of Planet Shakers songs was presented, instead of singing at the top of my lungs, i closed my eyes and prayed instead. I never went up the front and moshed like other years, and i only gave in once and went up for a "i want to be used by God" alter call... oh the weakness!!
However, i did still feel that a lot of the sermons were mainly stories, and not a lot of biblical truth. Chris Hill, the awesome black guy had an amazing presence and style, Don MacDonnel's prophecies and healings were cool, Shane Meyer totally funked everyone out, but weedy, weepy little Simon Barnett captured me way way way more.
Simon got up and the first thing he said was, "no no! please stop. I am nothing. We're gonna do this again, and this time clap for God, cos its about him, its nothing to do with me" AMEN!! SPEAK IT BROTHER!! *beams* exactly what i wanted to hear
Admittedly, Simon did have a lot of stories, but they were stories about how God has touched his life, and changed him, and used him in ways he never thought he would be. He cried a bit, which just added to his humble and genuine talk. He was honest and open with us, and i really felt like Simon considered himself an equal, an earthen vessel - not some superstar. I take back everything bad i've ever said about him!!
I liked Chris Pringle, who spoke on Saturday, but i kinda felt that she was mainly stories... which is a shame... she had flown over from Aus for a 1hour talk, and wasted it with stories =(
One of the coolest experiences for me, was Friday Night. I was grumpy as heck, cos no one had saved me a seat, i was stuck infront of a fan heater which went almost all night, was way too hot, losing my voice, dropping my sack at my friends, sick of planet shakers, and nearly crying with frustration (lol! go the hissy fits). And while i was battling with the tears, about to just flag it all and go home, i thought "when we dont feel like praising God, and we feel like we have nothing to praise him for, when we praise him anyway, it is way more pleasing to God than when we are on the mountaintop and praise comes easily." So i closed my eyes, and started speaking out words of how Amazing and Awesome God's creation is. And how Thankful i am for all the things he has done in my life. And prayed Blessings upon those i was mad with....
The power that came was unbelieveable. The holy spirit rained upon me in a different way. Healing came, and bad feelings melted away like snow under the winter sun...
When you can rise above your "feelings" - eg cynicism, hype, anger, despair, elation, and worship God wholeheartedly, regardless, its then that he will meet you in a great way, more fulfilling than the usual.
So even though Get Smart may have been a lot of hype, and more stories than hard bible, i still feel that its four days have changed my life in awesome ways.


Blogger Nathan said...

Hype's a funny thing. Its really bad if people go along with it, and don't actually get "spiritually" involved in it.

But for me, I often become a stick in the mud, avoid the hype, and actually concentrate on what matters. So it has a positive effect on me.

I think

5:41 pm  
Blogger Notions Incognito said...

Nice post. Yes Nathan, unless we choose to open our hearts to the Spirit we will think it's dry and boring and hypie... but if we open our hearts to the Spirit amazing things can happen (though it still might be hypie...).

It takes much more faith to trust God when it feels like He's not there, to praise Him when you don't feel like it, etc etc. Good to hear you are doing such things!

As for your report on the content, I am largely disappointed but not surprised. I will post on these sort of things soon.

10:20 am  
Blogger Michelle said...

Frasertron - yeah,thats awesome eh?
I find that one of the coolest things to do is pray in French or Spanish, i dont know enough for my prayers to be elegant or comprehensive, but they are truly from the heart. My favourite phrases are 'te quiero mi padre, or je t'aime papa' - i love you daddy... i think that in this simple phrase sometimes I can express more to God than the most elaborate of sentences =)

4:51 pm  

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