Saturday, April 16, 2005

Great day of Tribulation has come

Check out the tres cool leaflet we got in the mail last week:

-Unprecedented Tribulation in the whole world!

*Behold ! The evil power of Satan is becoming increasingly rampant. Kings and rules of the world are rebelling against God and men have hardened their hearts. Criminal skills in robbery, theft, murder, killing, adultery, drug abuse, terrorism, are more subtle than ever; false doctrines seem to be spreading everywhere, The world is torn with wars and every country is engaged in destructive arms race........ There is the global weird weather, endless outbreaks of disasters and diseases

*During World War II, it was easy for the rich to fly to other countries for refuge. But in this era, no place is a refuge. A nuclear bomb explosion is sufficient to destroy all the human kingdoms. The TV reports: The central temperature would reach 20 million degrees and anything near the center of the blast would melt instantly. Places within the radius of 20km would be engulfed in towering infernos. Forests would be on fire, and the usually calm and serene lakes would be boiling. Tires and fuel tanks, furniture and household appliances would burst into flames. Human being would suffer from severe burns, and their skins would be charred at an incredulous speed...
Friends! What would you do if the catastrophic events were to take place today? All unbelievers and the ungodly, unrighteus, hypocritical and nominal Christians shall be left in the Great Tribulation. None can escape the wrath of the Lamb.

Babylon has fall!



*God's anger is kindled! The Tribulation has begun! A voice from Heaven say, "Come out of that city (Babylon- human kingdoms) , my people so that you will not share in her sins "


*In the hell where" their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched. "
*The Church have to:" Having been built up on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone "

*Before the great Tribulation, saints who overcome the New Testament Church will be caught up to the Heaven first. (I Thessaloniass 4 : 17)

*People of the earth! you should take hold of the chance to repent and accept the Gospel before the Great judgment day comes. Accept Jesus as your savior, receive the complete Truth of Blood, Water and Holy Spirit. depart from the oppressive systems ( military, politics, economy, education, religions, culture, ...) of the evil human kingdoms and the Denominations, Return to the glorious New Testament Church rebuilt by the Holy Spirit; submit to the apostles' leading that is in accordance with God's will and truth of the Bible

Loving Lord and Savior Jesus, pray have mercy and save a sinner like me. In my ignorance, I had followed the Devil to sin. I had no peace in thie world, and world have had to suffer eternally in the lake of fire in the next world. But I thank Thee for thou bast suffered, shed Blood and died for me on the Cross to redeem my precious soul. Please forgive me. I was unforgiving and disobedient to my parents. I killed and stole. I practised witchcraft, worshipped idols, and loved worldly pleasures. I was an alcoholic. I smoked, gambled, attended movies, danced, read obscene publications and listened to indecent stories and music... In the victorious Name of the Lord Jesus and relying on His precious Blood, i rebuke the evil spirits and demons of sicknesses to depart from me. (...) Please deliver my loved ones from Babylon (human kingdoms) so that they may be baptized into the New Testament Church, and walk in Thy will for the rest of their lives.

Heh! I've cut a few bits out, but you still get the wrathful gist, and the spelling mistakes are supposed to be there!!


Blogger Philotas said...

damn! I knew putting Superannuation aside was a bad idea! now ill never see that money again! :P

1:15 am  
Blogger M Ronayne said...

Oh dear. I think I would be more worried of Christian Fundamentalists like this than any muslim extremists I might happen across. The problem is, the level of enthusiasm that they are advocating is just not sustainable.

Jesus says that no-one knows when he will return, he will come like a theif in the night, so surely it would be best for him to return to us working steadily, rather than in one of the lulls that inevitably follow when all the excitement has died down.

I am thinking this is very much a 'carrot and stick' evangelism. With the emphasis on the stick. No wonder people think Christians are unbalanced.

1:21 am  
Blogger Christina said...

ah.. just reading this makes me want to cry with laughter again... there are so many, many things wrong with this: theologically, grammatically, spelling-wise, sanity-wise - far too many to list. It's enough to make you despair that there are "christians" like this. You should p/c the original and correct all the mistakes in ruthless red pen and then send it back :D

1:17 pm  
Blogger Michelle said...

very good, Mr Dron- The writers have a Chinese church in christchurch.

Mike, "carrot and stick evangelism" ? Can i eat this carrot? Why is the carrot with a stick? Why are you putting emphasis on the stick?

Christina, thats an awesome idea, he he! Sadly, what i'd really like to say isn't really sayable with ruthless red pen... (eg - "um, i'm not sure this is a good tack to take... maybe, just maybe, it will make people think Christians are religious cranks and will put them off")

9:27 pm  
Blogger Luuk Paulussen said...

an interesting question... We see lots of stuff wrong with this, but how much stuff do we take out of context or miss the point on?

Are we uncomfortable with this because it is embarassing to us and we think people will get the wrong idea / persecute us about our faith? Heaven forbid!

I'm not saying I agree with what's in the leaflet, but it is very easy to point fingers at other people's methods of evangelising and living out their faith while failing to see the log in our own eyes (mixed metaphor)

9:27 am  
Blogger Michelle said...

Actually, i wondered about that myself, Luuk.... Briefly i felt bad about mocking other peoples active attempts at evangelism. Its not like i'm out there doing a better job, as you said.
I guess mainly the problems I have with the article are the horribly bad spelling and grammar stuff. Also, though, I guess i'm not really a big fan of the whole guilt trip way of preaching the gospel. I don't know that Jesus did it that way, did he? Maybe we have to befriend people individually, teach them about God and the kingdom of heaven, and what it actually means to sin and need atonement.

One of the things i've been confused about lately is the lack of context in sermons, etc. I guess this leaflet was just a good example of that. Maybe they could have only done half the article on the great tribulation, but the other half on how much God loves us, that we are his children, and that he yearns to know us, no matter what.

Hmm *ponders* perhaps i should talk about that more often? The amazing love and grace of God...

11:46 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe - if you do the red pen thing, you really should do it strong bad-kids book styles. :)

I think as christians we do need to be prepared to think how our marketing appears to non-christians. If the tract that those guys put out sounds ridiculous to us, think how ridiculous it will come across to people who have far less christian background! If christians can recognize that there are bad forms of evangelism, then (a) less christians will do them and (b) when some christians put off non-christians by using them, other christians will be able to assure them that that's not what mainstream christianity is about. We need to be faithful, truthful witnesses, not selling cheap evangelism strategies, but rather clearly representing the christian faith.

An interesting blog I've just looked at is church marketing sucks. An interesting concept, I haven't read enough of it to recommend it unequivocally, but its dealing with good issues - how we portray our churches.

11:31 am  

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