Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Voulez-vous savoir la verite?

sigh I'm tired. The people in the unit next to us seem to hang out in the bedroom though the wall from me. Last night there was mild noise until someone had a shower (the shower is behind my wardrobe/through Ruth's wall) at 12.15am and the last person had one at 12.45. They then talked 'loudly' for the next 20 minutes. ('loudly' because its probably not actually that loud, but its enough to keep me awake)

Sleep deprivation is a form of torture used across the world. Key causes of sleep deprivation (apart from a KGB officer standing over you with an iron bar) are noise, depression, and worry. Unsuprisingly, i suffer from all of these.

Last night was particularly annoying because i read a book for ages and then when i tried to sleep i was plagued by worries and frustrations, and hearing noise from the neighbours. I think i'm going to have to try some new strategies. I've moved my bed, and wear earplugs, but these clearly aren't working!
Some of the things that are plaguing my mind at the moment are:
-Worry about not being able to sleep
-noise from neighbours
-Lack of motivation for going to university
-general depression about future-related stuff
-extreme feelings of dislike for certain people in my SpanHist class.
-having no job, and no skills to get another
-fearing that God finds me annoying and just wants me to shut up or go away
-Not Having A Church (it gets capitals cos its a biggie)
-Boy issues

I don't feel like going into much detail, but basically its become hard to sleep because when i get into bed i feel overwhelmed and the stress hits. It often becomes a battle between trying not to weep, trying to sleep, and trying not to get frustrated about not being able to sleep.

Anyway i think i'm going to start a new routine. Get up at 8am each day, be ready by 9.30. Do stuff. Including some form of exercise, some form of God stuff, and some study. Drink only one cup of caffeinated tea/coffee per day. Basically, get out of this house a lot more. Pray about stuff more often. And when i'm in bed, if i can't sleep, just get up and go do something in the lounge, or write things down that are troubling me.

Well. Thats the end of that. Its time to go do something.


Blogger Christina said...

aah, noisy neighbours :(. If you want get back at them, you could always try thumping the wall. I assure you, it will get their attention :D (although not necessarily in a good way). As a fellow no-job person, I would like to welcome you to the wonderful world of paranoia, fear and self-loathing... but seriously get out and hang around with people when you start feeling weepy and depressed, or get out and go for a walk, or just do something - whatever you do *don't wallow*! It's the best advice my mum gave me, and it works :)Hope you manage to get some sleep and if God loves/puts up with everyone else surely he loves you too?!

12:29 pm  
Blogger Justin C. said...

I think a lot of people wonder why God puts up with us.(I am included in these types of people.) I have been going to a meeting my church has been having. They asked the question, if you could describe God in one word, what would it? The answer is very simple. Love. Thats probably why God puts up with us. He loves us. Sorry about your sleeping woes.

8:34 am  

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