Monday, January 31, 2005

bulbous weasel farmers

We have a flat!! WE HAVE A FLAT!!
Contrary to popular belief (MATTomatic), we wont be living in a box in the gutter!
Its down Avonhead Road, between Grahams and Waimairi Road. You should all come visit (well as soon as we move in... the current guy is still there even though his lease has runned out, so hopefully I will be all moved in in about 2 weeks.)
Even more exciting news, now that we have a house, Roofus will be coming back!! YAY!

Thoughts for the day
-Bogans have now turned to station wagons as their means of boganing...
-i went to get my car fixed at the panelbeaters and the courtesy car had been broken into, so i have to go back at 4.30 and wait for another to come back. My car needs $900 worth of repairs (ouch), but thank the Lord for insurance!!
-i find it rather disconcerting, when driving around Christchurch, the frequency of potential crashes. There are a bunch of idiots out there on the road, and i am really starting to hate driving around Christchurch. (this is not one of those classic "its not my driving - its theirs" sort of bollocks argument. this is the sort where you have people running giveway signs, and making dangerous turns at intersections). I've only noticed it in the last few weeks... so i'm not sure what the cause is!! Perhaps giant alien potatoes have begun body snatching. Yeah. that seems likely.
-Estie is leaving tomorrow. (boohoo) then it will be just me and Helen for the next 2 weeks. How nice in a weird sort of way :)
-Are there any strong, handsome, manly, muscly, etc etc boys out there who would like to help me move my stuff from Goon to my new flat? Helen will help with some of it, but she's kinda busy in the next few weeks. (handsome strong men) (oh boys, you are so manly)

(is it working?)

-I got letters from my cousins and Aunty in Australia the other day. They made me cry, he he. My cousin, Suraj wrote me a nice long boy letter, it was cool. Apparently i am the only person he has written to, and he won't write to gran or aunty Helen (my mum) he he! I am the wanner!! He also wrote at the end of it that he missed me heaps and heeps. yay. boo. waah.
-Estie and I had a date with Nathan on friday night. That was random but fun. We played the un-game. which is the most cheesy, awful thing ever invented, he he! Nathan is thinking about making up his own version, which I think is an awesome idea... we will have much better questions that are meatier and let you get to know people's thoughts on things. yeah. Go our un-game. (why is it even called the 'un' game? Is that cos when they made it, they knew that IT WASN'T A GAME. IT WAS JUST A WASTE OF TIME??? *cough*)

Okay... i think thats about all the rubbish i can think up for today!! Hope everyone has an awesome week and doesn't work too hard.


Blogger Philotas said...

*pondering* should i be insulted or honoured that my blog was linked under 'giant alien potatoes' i am so not an alien! just from another country! :P

heh. i shall be the immature one...
WOoooooOOO Go Chelley! Chelley and Nathan sittin in a ... and you know the rest! ^_^

9:22 pm  
Blogger Nathan said...

Ok, I was going to make it clear that it was a date, not a "date", but I figured people would get it from her next post...

Do I need to pull out a definition of a date?

8:49 am  
Blogger Michelle said...

hehe - i thought you'd like the giant alien potato linkage, Sambo! heh heh heh

Hey Nathan - it might be classified as a date because you paid, and there was some awkwardness. Um... at some stage of the evening... I don't know when... WHAT JGTH YES I'M AWESOME!

Anyway Sam - its you and I that are getting married.... Nathan is no competition!

10:11 pm  

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