Saturday, October 16, 2004

Singing the praises of Aunty D

*hides head in shame* i bought a savage garden tape today... for $6.99 at teh waerhoues - their first album, from 1997. I have wanted it for years... it will do for days when i feel like mindless pop music *grin*. I've also wanted the feelers supersystem for AGES so maybe one day my embarassing music collection will be complete. (Matt Wilson take note! it just gets worse!)

Heh heh - on Thursday night it was the birthday tea for my mum at my auntys place. Everyone left around 8pm, but i stayed on to have a good ol' chitchat with Diane (aunty). I haven't seen her for ages, so it was really great. Sadly, her husband is already living in Australia and only comes home odd weekends, and my Aunty and her kids are moving over there to join him in december *sob*. She, apart from Ruth and Nathan, is my 'greatest' confidant. ('greatest' because i dont really confide much, so her and Ruth and Nathan are great to talk to when i do actually talk, which isnt that often)
ANYWAY, a few months ago i was spending a lot of time at her place and felt a bit like her husband was annoyed at me always being there (this is when he was still in CHCH) and so i gave them chocolates and wrote a lovely card telling my Aunty she was really awesome and i loved her heaps. Well after our big chat on thursday (til 11pm) my Aunty sent me a card which i got today... i shall quote some things from it
"I've missed seeing you lately... i am very glad that you have some really special friends that you can talk to and who support and love you (yay for Ruth!! 10 points to you, hottie!)... I want you to always remember that no matter where I am I will be thinking of you, and will always be there for you if you need me. *pause to sob, he he* give me as much love and support as i give you... I hope you find your calling in life (and that "real man" you want to find - but not too soon)"
waaaaaahhh *bawls like a baby* how can i not cry after that!! he he!
I love my Aunty.. she's awesome :)

(just to satisfy your curiosity - we were having a 'submission' discussion on thurs, about how a man should be a man, and a woman should be the helper, and i was saying that i want a manly man who isn't afraid to make decisions and who i can hide behind when i'm scared. Heh heh... go the "real" men!)


Blogger Nathan said...

esther - marry someone who's got married\marriagable brothers and sisters and who plan on having kids.

11:26 pm  

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