Thursday, August 12, 2004

ack! im old!

It wouldnt be a birthday without posting on my blog! ha!
I. am. so. tired. and. stressed. out. and. scared.
I hate being stressed =( and busy =( and scared about uni stuff =(
im just having so much trouble with this political science stuff... i dont understand a word of it... its just such a huge jump up from last year. I have a 30% test for it on monday, and an essay worth 40% due friday. But (theres always a but in the world of the optimist) im going to see the lecturer for help tomorrow =)

Argh, so i had like the busy day from hell today. A nice day though :) thanks to everyone who texted and saw and blogger-ed me! it was so good to hear from you all!
Still havent sorted out anything for this ball yet, though... but hopefully Jess' stuff will fit (fingers crossed, cos Jess is like a elf - tall and slender) =) Thanks to Jess who is an Angel!

I know its kinda dumb to post about serious stuff when i am really kinda happy and contented, but i dont care. Ive been having trouble getting to sleep lately... by the time i fall into bed, exhausted, i get so annoyed at not being able to sleep, or having wasted time that could be better spent, that i start to cry out of overtiredness and frustration. Which just makes it worse.
The thing thats really been bugging me lately is that you can never get time back. Once its gone its gone and you can never have those moments again. So use your time effectively. Dont waste it.
Its not that i'm having regrets, but that im maturing and realising that, to put it bluntly, pissing around will get you nowhere. Time is precious, and i need to make the most of it!

Im kinda interested in being not a Chaplain, but like a mentor who works with uni students and stuff, meeting with them, and helping to keep them strong for God... I think that would be cool =)

Im also interested in sleep.. and maybe in a week or so when its all over i will be able to post properly
boo hiss to work

Hugs to everyone who reads this garbage, i love everyone lots, and squirrelishly =)

ooh yeah - i got a little squirrel for my birthday, hes really soft - a beanie baby - and brown and about 12 cms tall... ive named him Madge, and he wants to bite your ears, so look out =)


Blogger Unknown said...

I'd make a couple of sugestions.
Set some time a side in which your not going to do any work. Then go and do something Completely different. Go for a Run, Walk, Swim or something for an hour or two. If you need to think about something while doing this then take along a fav piece of poetry or scripture and think about that.
If you can manage that grab your fav peaceful Music CD and or Book and go some where buy your self where it's quite and just listen to the music or read the book. Again if you need to think about something let it be one of the things above.

Finally once you've finished doing what ever you need todo to relax spend some time praying.

Hopefully a bit of physical exercise or an hour or wo with out stress will allow you to relax enough to get some sleep and make sence of the work you need to do.

As for your desire to be a mentor go for it!

Apart from that happy birthday for a second time! Your not old yet :)
(at least you better well not be, I don't want to have too think of my self as old! Note 20 is not old! Not OLD! I'M NOT OLD).

Any way God Bless

10:35 pm  
Blogger Philotas said...

Hey Squirrel Queen! (you would be the princess, but now you're twenty!)
Uni is teh SuXX0r. and its even harder when you cant identify with the stuff you are doing and dont enjoy it! :P but, i guess we can all take some solace from not being the only ones stressed about it! :)
Going to a lecturer for help? wow! things must be drastic! ;)

I think maybe, instead of 'not wasting time' or 'using time effectively', maybe we should just learn to value every moment and the experiences that come from that! cause being busy all the time is not a good way to do stuff! you burn out big time! except, with less smoke and loud screeching of tires. unless of course you burn out WHILST performing a burn out. in which case, there would be the screeching!

Very similar thoughts on the second half there! I was thinking the other day that if i didnt like being a teacher, then i would rather be a sort of youth/social worker at a Uni campus. those guys do an awesome job, and there are heaps of different types of people out there to be reached!
the funny thing is, that i feel more of a passion for this, and less for actual music and history teaching! maybe im travelling down the wrong path! :P
I wouldnt like to be a chaplain, because that kinda means affiliating yourself with a specific church, and i dont want to be seen to be pushing anyone but God's agenda! :D

Sleep feh! :D sleep is for the mortals! :D caffeine and sugar will pull you through! and water! lots of water! :D besides! plenty of time for sleep when you retire.. but check this plan out!:

if you take years off your life by losing sleep, then a) you miss out on all the bad parts of old age and aging, and b) you get to heaven faster! ^_^

9 out of 10 Aussie Maniacs reccomend not sleeping usual hours! :D

1:41 am  
Blogger Nathan said...

I wonder what pessimists sit on... :)

7:10 pm  

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