Monday, June 20, 2005

Bureaucratic Authoritarianism

Just so you all know, this is a bureaucratic dictatorship. I am in charge, but I'm making it look like you all have a say by letting you vote in my poll. Really, you have no say in the theme of my 21st. I've pretty much already decided what the theme is going to be, and am probably not going to be swayed too much by what you vote ;)
There is slight potential for a possible vague or minor alteration to my ideas, but the chance of that is minute and thus not very likely at all. (Aah linguistics, you old dog) (the sentence was almost redundant. I'm trying to make you think that I may be swayed... yeah. not likely though)

Heh heh.

I'm studying for my Political Science exam on saturday. Good to see I can apply theories to real life! This is whats known as bureaucratic authoritarianism - where its a dictatorship, basically, but you can vote and stuff so it seems like things are fair.
Just like my blog in general. I like your opinions, but I'm relatively strong-willed and dont often change my views because of what others think =D
Sorry to spoil the illusion.

Please keep commenting! Whatever you think you have heard is wrong. The people's thoughts *do* matter! Vote Walker!


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