Monday, May 09, 2005

I like God... he's kinda cool

Sometimes my depth of feeling or conviction about Christianity or God really blows me away. Sometimes I feel like it should simply be a religion, a belief, but not an all-consuming rage, a passion, a fire that courses through my veins.
I was once prophesied over (at Church back home in Rangoon) as one of the David generation. David was known as being a man after God’s heart.
I want to be like that. I want to be known for being so dedicated to God, so in tune with what he wants, so filled with adoration for him.
I want to make God my waking thought, my closing thanks, and my every moment. I want him to be my first thought, the one that I ask first for advice, the one that I run to for help, the one I cry to in intercession.
I want everything I do to be for the Glory of God.
I want him to sweep away the chaff, the excess, the stuff that is just padding. I want to be so genuinely for God that nothing can stand against me. I want to do battle with the devil; I want to be a warrior. I want to fight his traps of sickness and poverty and loneliness. I want to bring light to a darkened world.

I don’t understand when I look around me and see Christians who are happy to go so far, but there’s no way they’re going any further. They don’t want to be consumed.
I do.
It’s a simple prayer.
I love the song ‘Consume Me’ by dctalk… it so encompasses all I want to be
“You consume me, moving through me. Any time, any place, you invade my space… you consume me.’
I want Him to be everything I live for.
I want every word that comes out of my mouth to bring honour to his name. I want my every action to scream “JESUS”. I want to exude hope and love and joy.

I want to lift the little children up in my arms, to wrap my arms around them and have them know that it’s not me, but it’s Jesus. I want to sit with the broken hearted and wipe away their tears as I weep with them.

I want the Father’s hopes and desires and Love to become mine. I want to see the world even more through God’s eyes, and to know how he would act.

I don’t know how I can attain this, or how the practicalities work out. All I know is that this fire consumes me, and there’s no way I could be lukewarm, to not become one with the passion.
One day it’s going to burst out, one day I will not be able to contain it anymore.
At the moment it’s being channeled, but soon… soon it will be released.

God, please always remain King of my life, my waking thought, my all consuming fire. You are my passion, you are my desire, I want you to be my all in all.
Mi padre, papa. You consume me. I want it always to be this way. I want this flame never to flicker, only to grow brighter.


Blogger Michelle said...

no... thank YOU!

9:01 am  
Blogger Theopnuestos said...

Is this a joke? For one being so committed to God I notice that you rarely post anything about Him or towards educated/helping others learn about Him. Are you sure that you don't just like the feeling? A committment to God lasts when the feeling is gone, so don't think that you have made a decision just because you are overwhelmed by an emotion.

1:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, Tim, this is not a joke. It sounds like you're belittling me...
How would you know what I do in my private life? My blog is a diary, not an instruction manual for others!
For your information, I have been involved in Christianity for over ten years, and have helped others learn about him through Church things like sunday school and youth group, and Alpha. It just so happens that at the moment I am beginning a new phase in my life, where I've moved out of home, got a new job, and will soon be finishing University. I am really searching for ways to serve God in the future. I'm not conventional, I want to do something totally for God, not just work in a "normal" job.

An aside, this was rather a personal post, that really came from my heart, and obviously you dont know me/my blog at all well or you'd know I dont base anything on feelings.
Perhaps next time you could explore more before you label my innermost dreams and desires a joke.

7:53 pm  

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