Tuesday, December 14, 2004

grumposaurus rex strikes again!

Ha! And you were thinking "yay! A new post from Michelle!" WELL YOU WERE WRONG!! Its not "yay" at all... its "oh no... there she goes... whingeing again." Enjoy ;P

I hate dentists. I really do. I am NEVER going to marry a dentist. How could I marry a person who inflicts so much pain on others? What other kind of professional that you go and see leaves you bleeding and sore?? EH EH? WHO ELSE, I ASK?!
I had to go get my stitches out today… Drove 35 minutes to the dental surgery, waited 10 minutes, got to go see dentist who, using sharp implements, poked around my ‘hole’ (still tender after just having a tooth PULLED OUT 7 days ago!), snipped the stitches out, then said “have a nice christmas”. HAVE A NICE CHRISTMAS? After you’ve just caused my wound that’s finally stopped bleeding to START again? *mumble mumble nice mumble ha ha mumble*

Er. Anyway.
Today I was like the customer from hell. Not nice at all. I hate shopping for things at Christmas time. I had to get more concealer, and so I drove to the bank with Heln. She went to the bank, and I went about 150metres to a chemist. They had testers, but not actual concealer to buy. No one spoke to me, or asked me if I needed assistance. I sighed and decided to enter the labrynth that is Riccarton Mall. WHY IS IT SO LONG!?!?! I entered from um… some street … near the ANZ bank, and had to walk right to the opposite end to find a Chemist. I walked up to the revlon counter, spied the concealer I wanted. And waited. And waited. And waited. I waited while the shop assistant talked on the phone. I waited while another shop assistant came over with some other customers. I pulled my old run-out concealer out of my bag to show that a) I was looking for a certain product, and b) I was ready for assistance. I couldn’t reach the concealer myself because it was behind a counter, tucked away in a corner next to the window, so I decided to find another brand. I found one that I thought looked okay, but I had never seen the product before, so I waited for a sales assistant to come. I looked around many times, to show that I was looking for help. I pasted a confused look on to my face. I peered at the one shop assistant who was within 5 metres of me. Still nobody paid any attention to me. So I sighed and decided to go somewhere else. I walked out of the shop with my old container of concealer visibly in my hand. At least one shop assistant glanced up as I strode off, but I was not questioned about the product clutched in my hand. I stalked down to farmers, and found the revlon counter, got my concealer, and looked for a counter. Time: 2 mins. A counter. A counter. Where could I find a counter? I wandered around the store, and found myself at a Jewellery counter. One girl was doing things with a large basket of silver jewellery, and another shop assistant was dealing with a customer. I glanced around and saw another counter across the store. So I wound my way over there and waited for the man infront of me to be served. A woman came and stood right behind the man, and when he turned to leave she thumped her goods on the counter. Oh, okay. Push in front of me then. Its not like I WAS HERE FIRST. I had told Heln I’d meet her in FIVE MINUTES. This was slowly becoming a large ordeal. I sadly sighed, and threaded my way through the maze that is Farmers and reached another counter. Uh-oh. Four other customers waiting in line. So I go to the Shiseido counter where there is only one woman waiting, with a friend nearby. Or so I thought. Just as I arrive at the counter the woman who I thought was the friend, says “its okay, I don’t mind waiting, you can go first” Hmm. That means I’ll have to wait, but that’s okay, I don’t mind. The first lady gets served, then the shop assistant moves away from her counter to go and deal with the other customer. I look agitated and the customer says “are you in a hurry? You can go before me if you like” to which I say “thankyou so much, yes I am in a hurry.” The shop assistant says “this lady has been waiting, it wont be that long”. The voice in my head is saying to the shop assistant ‘if you didn’t have so many *beep* signs around your store, I wouldn’t have had to walk around your store just to be ignored by your *beep* shop assistants, and pushed in front of by other customers” . I muster all my self-control and say “I realise that, but I have just been ignored by three other shop assistants. All I have got to buy is this one product.” She sighs at this rude customer and serves me. I say “it’s rather hard to find the counters with all the signs hanging in the air everywhere”. Inside, I am fuming. She finishes serving me, I say “thankyou and sorry” to the other woman who has been waiting, and weave my way through the throng of people in the Mall, back to a poor Helen who has wondered what has happened to me.

Hmm… that was poetic, wasn’t it. Well kind of poetic. More like grumpy and whingeing. Er anyway….
I just needed to rant about it for a bit. I have a headache. The stupid dentist place has horrible chairs that really hurt my neck. My mouth tastes like mouldy cheese or something. Stupid not-tooth just festers away. Stay away, all you potential suitors who would wish to kiss me! DANGER!

DANGER! Grump alert. Maybe it’s not just my tooth that is festering, its me.
Whenever I go home (which is where I am right now), I just feel like this horrible lump of bah humbug-gedness and snapishness. My parents pine away for me, I finally come home, and just end up snapping at them. It makes me feel like a big pile of awful daughter-y badness. The day I am able to be nice to my parents, smile at their concernedness, be thankful for the pile of apparently fascinating newspaper articles on my bed, and be grateful that my mother has offered to make me mashed potatoes (“for my tooth”) when she knows that I hate them with a passion (“I thought your flatmates might have coerced you into liking them”) (*sigh*), is truly a day that I will feel like a bigger person.
I know that it should be a two-way street; that my mum should stop trying deliberately to rark me up, and that my parents know what annoys me. But I always feel that I am letting them down when I can’t muster constant pleasantness and un-disagreeableness.


Anyway I think I’m bored with writing now, so unless anything truly amazing happens in the next few days, this will probably be all the blogging for the next week or two. Hope all my loyal readers have an awesome Christmas, and I’ll see you if you’re around Chch.
Toodles from the Christmas Grinch (who isn’t really so grinchy as suffering from lack-of-sleep *grin* )


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