inny or outy?
First things first: i am fascinated yet repulsed by outys.
I am going to investigate the bellybutton, and see if there are reasons why people have these gross outys, and if there are a larger percentage of the population with innys, (etc) and then post about it.
Please can you all comment and tell me if you have an outy or an inny? i muchly appreciate your input! (not your output, cos outys are gross) :P
I had an outy when I was little, but somewhere along the line it turned into an inny. Go figure.
Actually, my outy was cool, cos it had like this wee air bubble trapped in it, so it looked a little freaky. Oh, and I remember at intermediate school playing the "odd one out" game, and the first question was "inny or outy," and only about 4 or 5 of the 150 or so kids at school had outies. So it seems pretty rare.
Yeh! I always thought Outies were rare too! :P having an innie i guess, taints my opinion tho. :)
Outies arent really that disgusting methinks. although, ive never stared at someones belly button long enough to consider the matter carefully!
Outy's are pretty yuk! But inny's collect more fluff... :P
One of my friends had an inny that changed it's tune in about the 7th month of pregnancy, so, something to look forward to, ladies!
ps - she's had bubs now and I think her outy has retreated again?
bumped into your blog by chance.. yeah, i got an inny too. :)
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