Saturday, August 21, 2004

gracias. merci. ringrazarlo. спасибо.

Aah the sadness of it all... when we have assignments to do and tests to study for, there are a million and one things we want to post about. Once we actually have the freedom to post, there is no reason to. When we're sad and unhappy and angry, we feel a need to rant on our blogs. But when we are happy and calm and at peace, there is nothing to talk about.
I wonder if this is like our relationships with God... when life is dark and horrible and closing in around us, we draw close to Him, gain our strength from Him, lay ourselves before Him in desperation and surrender. Yet when life seems to be going well, when we don't feel lost, but joyful and at ease, its almost like we don't "need" God anymore, and we let our reliance on Him slip...
One thing that i have to keep reminding myself of is that we do further our reliance on God, and become more willing to be used by Him when things are bad, but it is just as important to value Him in the good times, and thank Him for all He does for us. =)

Sometimes we don't feel like thanking God, or when we look back it seems like there isnt much there to thank Him for. But i believe that when we praise God for the seemingly little things He does in our lives, he appreciates that more than the big things He does for us.
Why? Because its easy to thank someone for something awesome and mighty and miraculous. You are almost obliged to do so. But when someone opens a door for you, or helps you get a carpark when you're running late, or directs a friend to your door when you needed to see a friendly face... thats what we need to be grateful for too =)

So even though things to be thankful for may not be paramount on my mind, im gonna think up some things for which i'm thankful =)
> Menfriends, especially Sam. I love Sam... he's great :) I mean really?! Without the internet we'd have so many less friends! (er *cringe* bad grammar, he he) I got an email from Sam the other day... i wrote to him earlier in the week, and it really cheered me up to get his reply. Good email-writing skills are greatly to be admired!
Also, Fraser :) He sent me an email too... and it was encouraging... and its all happy and lovely to read or comment on other people's blogs... but getting emails is like that next step or something *grin*

> Ladyfriends, especially Joy and Este and Ruth. I have this picture, that i'll post soon of Este and Roofus doing the 'fox trot' and they both look so cute and eager... its awesome :)
And i got a big long email from Joy this week *YAY!!* admittedly i hadnt written to her either since she left.. and have been meaning to for so long! So it was so lovely to get an email, and almost made me cry cos i'd forgotten how much i love Joy and miss her! She is one of those few people that i can be really honest with, and i can fool around with her, but open up my heart too... Go Joy!

> Squirrels. Man i love them. A lot *grin* I got this awesome text message yesterday, from Matt, i believe, who had entered himself in my cellphone as the NSA.
Sender: NSA
Dear Fanatic, the National Squirrel Association feels that you'll be the perfect recruit as an agent in our quest for squirrel rights and WORLD DOMINATION! Join now!

Man that text made my day! Of course i replied straight away and told them i was champing at the bit to join... and had been waiting for an opportunity like this for so long!

I'm not sure if i should admit this, in public especially, but the little furry beanie baby Squirrel that my Pops gave me for my birthday has been sleeping next to me ever since i got it! (And just for those of you who want to laugh at me once again, yes, i did name him Madge, or Mister Squirrel)

> thanks to God for all the awesome friends i've made in the last year. I dont know if this sounds rude or not, but my new friends far surpass the old ones in caring-ness, good looks, love, humour, intellect, stupidity (almost), and spending lots of time together. I am so thankful for this great influence in my life... it really makes a difference to have godly, admirable friends. When you've got something to look up to it definately inspires you and discourages you from doing things that aren't so hot.

> being able to sleep. Twice i have heard Simon Barnett tell the story of a guy who was in prison in *insert place name cos ive forgotten* yeah, that place... and he was only WAIT IVE GOT IT!! It was Russia :) er anyway, he was only allowed to sleep for 7 hours a day, then for the other um *counts on fingers* 17 hours he had to run around his cell. And if he didnt run, he got his feet beaten with metal pipes. So yeah. I'm glad that i'm allowed to get my full 9. Yeah, Reuben - me and you represent! Go us "need-nine-hours" people!

> God. geez. he blows my mind. This Lord of lords, who created the Universe, loves me. Me! ME!! And what do i do to make him proud of me? What can i do to make him love me more? Why do i deserve his love? Its amazing... God is amazing.
Wow. *pauses to ponder*
And he wants to spend time with me! To talk to me. To love me and need me and care for me. And he let his son be killed so i might be clean. And he sent his Spirit so i can learn more about Him.
Who is this God that i can know Him?
Who is this God that loves me?
I don't deserve an ounce of it. I don't deserve any of his love.
And yet he loves me regardless.
What an amazing God.
My heart is filled with awe and reverence for you, God, for you are mighty and holy and glorious.

Thankyou... THANKyou... thankYOU... THANKYOU!
Te quiero, mi Padre. Je t'aime Papa. Pour Toujours. Pour l'Eternite. Jusqu'a la fin du monde... Papa.


Blogger Nathan said...

Good post.

Hehe. Even commenting proves your point though - Its an effort to say something meaningful here. :)

6:46 pm  
Blogger Philotas said...

This was JUST the thing i needed! :D thanks for the awesome Post Michelle! I actually just had to stop and thank God after i read it! :D tis true! soooo much stuff.. i mean if you think there and try to name all the stuff that he has done for you, just since the morning.. (the sun rising. having a nice bed to sleep in, having had time to have a (rushed) breakfast, waking me up when i slept thru alarm clock) its next to impossible!

And man, as youd all probably know by now, Chelley writes some R0xx0r emails! man, its like getting a package in the mail! just seeing the subject in the inbox is enough to make you dance in anticipation. (for this i reccomend getting out of the chair, as i have found it can be quite painful dancing in chairs. or on chairs. in fact. if there is a chair anywhere near you, dont even contemplate dancing.) :D


7:26 pm  
Blogger Ruth said...

Show me photos! Show me photos!! when are you coming to hermil chelley?

1:13 pm  
Blogger Michelle said...

*waves hand like evil girl from Outback Jack* go over there, you... oh the demands on my time and resources ... pfft!

Heh heh, just joshin :) I will be coming in to chch tomorrow, O Roofie, so i may drop in (hopefully not literally) on you tomorrow and share the joy/ embarassment? of my pictures :) and hopefully give you all your Murder Mystery envelopes (DIN DIN DIIIIN)

Fraser the old gopher - 'bounce back' is my specialty.. i definately go through phases... but when i have more alone time (i nearly added 'with myself') (heh heh) (cos its not like i have alone time NOT with myself...) (arrr! i'll just stop trying to explain) i seem to recouperate (? how the heck do you spell that?!) and recharge and be way more ready to face the tuff stuff :) (Sam - STUFF!)

He he... Sam... stupid ranty emails are my specialty ;) expect many more of those *grin*

2:38 pm  
Blogger Kelly said...

Wow, that's great!
Oh Chelle, Moped and Disarm are playing at Zebedees on Friday night, can we bring your party there? Hehe, we're meant to dress up all 1940s ay? That could get interesting, the abundant 16/17 year olds would think it must be a great new fashion if so many oh-so-stylie cooler older people wear it!

3:30 pm  

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