Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Call me out :)

Okay... Next things i want to ramble on about :)
Last night! w00t! awesome night :)
I'm so big at the moment on the little things God does. He does so many little things in my life that just blow me away... Man, God. is. aMAZing.
Last night we had an Empower meeting at church, its for all the leaders of small groups. I got there a bit late, i had to take Marlene's outfit back to the costume hire place, plus Jo and I were making cards and daffodil bunches for the church leaders... anyhoo, im glad i got there late *blush* cos they worshipped through music for 1/2 an hour, and i was sick enough of the one song we sang for the 10 minutes i was there!! Anyway, then we had to get into pairs and the person on the right had to prophesy and the person on the left had to pray for healing. I was on the left. A great exercise cos im never sure whether or not i believe in healing, and the key to a healing being able to work is the person praying has to believe that the sick person will actually be healed. Heh heh :) so that was really awesome
On the right of me was a younger guy in the youth group, a really awesome guy, and he's really beginning to press in in his Christian walk, so he's cool :) Anyhoo, he had to prophesy for me *yay!* Anyway, the first word he had was grace. So he prayed for me to have more grace, which was really on the nail, as i sometimes lack grace. Awesome! Secondly, he had a picture of a gentle wind blowing down a valley. He said it was like a spring wind. And he said something like: "you know how Winter is all grey and dingy and kinda depressing, and when Spring comes it just has this smell about it, its fresh and has hope and promises new beginnings" And i starting tearing, and i said to him afterwards, that was so awesome, Matt, that word was right on the button!!
You know how all of us have been saying "winter is over, spring will come" and just hanging out for spring to arrive. For that new phase of hope and refreshing...
So awesome :)

And then Lynne (the pastor) said she felt someone at the meeting was sure of their calling, but sometimes they felt short in the faith department. That they believe the know what God wants them to do, but sometimes everything gets in the way and they lose sight of it, and start to think it will never happen. And i was thinking bah! that'll be like everyone here... but no one put up their hands, and she explained a bit more... and i was like man... thats so me! So i went up to get prayed for. And Lynne firstly had the word of 'daughter' That firstly i must have such faith and comfort in knowing that i am God's daughter. I am a princess. A child of the King. Cool :)
Also the other cool thing that she prayed for was that i would have Faith to see the dream through, and that God would Call Me Out :) Thats one of my favourite phrases ever... its in the song "Fill My Cup" by Paul Colman Trio "Fill my cup to the top, with running water, call me out and show me how" man its an awesome song :) I may have to listen to it more often and use it as my motto! heh heh...
And the next awesome thing was that Lynne said yeah... so you want to go to Africa, dont you... Chris (the other pastor) and I met last week with the guy who brought the Watoto Childrens Choir over here (Ugandan Orphans who sing) and we can hook you up with him..
I mean it was nothing to her... you know, the guy who came with the Ugandans who we met last week... but for me?! I WAS PUMPED!! THE GUY FROM THE ORPHANAGE? THATS MY DREAM!! YOU MET HIM?!!? SEND ME TO HIM!! ROOOOAAAAR!! HEAR. ME. ROAR.!!
This IS gonna happen... IT IS!!

Aah... *smiles contentedly* i. am. excited. I guess the darkness and the doubt will still come sometimes, but right now im seeing some things so clearly:
1) Travel overseas for some of 2006 - Helen and possibly SAM to go with me...
-World Cup in Germany
-Gallipoli in April for ANZAC day
the two things i want to do soo much :)

2) Next year, i can take part in either the
-trip to Romanian Orphanage
-build a youth hall in Fiji
I think at this stage its gonna be either/or... but im pumped whatever it is!

3) Work for a year or two at either of these
-World Vision in New Zealand, getting to travel overseas to projects
-Orphanage in Africa
-Somewhere in Romania/Eastern Europe
-Or Latin America

4) Do some youth work
-Either in New Zealand with uni students or something. Acting as like a mentor or just someone for them to talk to
-Or in Europe. I hear the gospel is TAKING OFF in places like Spain and Germany. I wanna help with the revival!!

Its gonna be cool :) And boy am I excited about it all!


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