Saturday, June 05, 2004

warm fuzzies for everyone!

now that i have handed in all my late/early/bad quality assignments i have spare time. Until thursday when i have a test. then i have 2 weeks til my 2 exams. then i get holidays. (yay) but now i have spare time. And i like it! i also don't know what to do with it hee hee! So after reading Philotas' blog i got warm fuzzies and im gonna do a shout it out!
Firstly Hi to Dan and Alana who post sometimes. And a big giant llama for Nato who often has to put up with my shenanegans. And a kick in the pants for Philotas. No! i jest! A great big HURRO! and a possum... apparently they like possums in the big Oz. Apparently they like Aussies in Oz. (ha!) (no sorry, you have to understand i couldn't mention Australia without making some sort of rude comment. It wouldnt be proper)

There... that feels better! i've been in a nasty mood this afternoon... i wanted to bond with my car... get overalls on, and get my hands dirty changing oil and stuff (for the first time) but my parents wouldn't let me. And i was kinda looking forward to it. And my car needs over $150 in repairs so they are gonna pay, and i always feel bad making my parents pay for stuff.
so i'm in a bit of a fowl mood. *bwok bwok* what i need is some chickens to cheer me up! Or what i need to do is tell everyone how much i like them! I think thats working!! my bad mood is lifting!


Blogger Nathan said...

You didn't even mention the sign of the bell bird! Impressive.

Did I tell you Dan is down here? I saw him an hour ago!


(Also, Can I be pedantic and suggest a revision to your terminology? :D - 'posted' can refer to something on their own blog, or a comment on someone elses, though the former is by far the most common. The verb 'commented' is unambigious)

3:34 pm  
Blogger Michelle said...

yeah, (guess what im gonna say now *grin*) you are right, Nathan! I see what you mean! it is really ambiguous "Dan and Alana post sometimes" well what i meant was they comment on my ramblings =)

Hope you like your llama *grin*
(just to appease the masses - eg YOU- i will write on the sign of the illegally-inhabited bellbird and expose you as the law breaker you are *wink* )

7:42 pm  
Blogger Philotas said...

lol.. thats ok my sheep loving cousin across the sea!
we like possums? why didnt anyone tell me this! :P
lol.. the other day at my mate's house, their resident possum was climbing the top of the fence (which for me is just head hight)
so just as i was walking by
I turned and looked him in the eye,
yes we did, the possum and I!
our gaze connected and we said 'hi!'.
very cool. (well it was to me anyway! :P)

AAAAnyway.. rambling.
lol.. that chicken thing reminded me of this music lesson i observed!
The Grade 3 class was singing a song called 'chicken' and they were all clustered around their teacher at the piano. the second verse they all did clucking to the melody and were flapping their arms lol.. heh heh eh... who needs chickens when there are kids! ;)

3:52 pm  
Blogger Michelle said...

who needs kids when you've got geese like me and philotas!! i have a hamster inside a chicken outfit on my keyring, and he plays the birdie dance... so everytime i go see my 9yr old cousins they play it and we all dance in their kitchen to the birdie dance, lol... then we cluck like chickens for a while! hee hee!

I like your poem!! did you make it up??? Very nice (two thumbs up!) Your friend has a possum that lives around his place and they havent shot it yet??! lol!! I'm proposing we have a youth group possum/eel hunting night.. that would be fun!
Why is it that all Aussies think we love sheep? The dirty blights! I'd like to ride one... but, thank you to the kind, thoughtful person that pointed this out to me the other day, you're not supposed to ride them...
lol.... perhaps you should come over here, my little Aussie Mozzie and we'll have a sheep racing competition? hee hee!

11:35 am  

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