Sunday, May 16, 2004

busy-ness = bad!!

Massive revelation. And I don’t want to sound self-righteous… but its amazing sometimes how you can see things in other people that they cant see in themselves. Like my mother’s going to a ladies camp next weekend and she was saying she thinks there haven’t been that many women enroll cos the speaker is talking about evangelism.
Also, she herself (my mother) is concerned because she doesn’t want to get involved in something that she doesn’t have the time for…. Doesn’t want to be any more busy than she already is…
Is anyone else getting the subtlety here?? What is one of Satan’s most effective methods in getting to christians? Instead of getting them to commit outright sin, he just creates busyness. Ooh.. I don’t have time to talk to that person about christianity, I have to get to my women’s group. Oh wait, I can’t go to the youth leadership conference, cos I have to work to earn money for new clothes. Sure you gotta get pastored yourself, and you’ve gotta have clothes to wear. But is that helping to blind us from real need? Offering us an excuse to not do God’s real work? Go out into all the world and preach the good news about Jesus Christ. Oh but I need to do the housework at home. I just don’t have enough time.
I’m not speaking from a holier than thou perspective, of course its something I battle with too… I am a youth group leader, but this week I have an essay to do, so I will have coffee for an hour during the day, with my christian friend and discuss balldresses, but I have to spend tonight writing the essay, instead of reaching unsaved kids….

Complicated choice? Or simply a matter of priorities?
Yes, of course its priorities we say, I need a degree to get a good job! I don’t really have enough time to go to youth group, or evangelise to young mothers, I’m too busy.
Yes, of course its priorities…. I will still get to heaven, a christian, with my degree, and with a clean house. But will they get to heaven if nobody tells them the news about their saviour?


Blogger Dan said...

I agree - either consciously or sub-consciously, people invest in busyness to avoid doing what they're really supposed to be doing.

Unfortunately, since this investment is low-risk, there is precious little return.

8:45 pm  
Blogger Michelle said...

hey thanks Alana! that was really awesome to read! its so true, though isnt it!
Its kinda funny cos its almost the opposite at our place... i'm involved in so many church things and mum's always like "uni is more important. you need a good job" and so the other day i just said "heaven is eternal and if i can help other people to get there thats more important than my prosperity"
its so easy to do though... get involved and forget God...
I had the best God time this morning, i told him i was too busy to read the bible, and it kept playing on my mind so finally i went back to my room, and we went through a passage together, and worshipped in the car together, it was awesome... i was feeling pretty grumpy when i woke up.. but its so true... when we make time for God he really is blessed by that!!!

11:21 am  

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