Thursday, June 03, 2004

i am dumb and so is killing other people!

just a quick post today, cos i am like Philotas in that i procrastinate something rotten!
First thing: i am an idiot. A right big gimbus. a wally. yeah.
I had this linguistics assignment that i thought was due friday 5pm and a geography assignment due thursday 5pm, so i worked late on wednesday night and all thursday morning on the geography, and handed it in at 3pm thursday. the teacher says "this is early" and im thinking, yeah well 2 hours early is a good effort from me. All is going well. Get an email from my linguistics tutor at 5pm asking where my linguistics assignment is. Turns out the geography assignment is due 5pm Friday, and the linguistics was due 4pm thursday. Oh crap!
Plus, we were supposed to write a report on all the problems we had coding sentences for the ling. assignment. It just so happens that on tuesday arvo i corrected all the problems that i had and deleted them. Oops......
So yeah. i am feeling right dumb about now.

Second thing: im gonna do a
Nathan and comment on a news article. I heard tonight that this Aussie woman who killed her autistic son gets away scot free, no sentence. Apparently she's been through enough. Okay, so i agree that everyone should be given a second chance, but what kind of message is this sending? Its same as the whole abortion debate. Its still an unwanted child, and who gave us the right to decide who lives and who dies? A foetus resulting from a rape or a failed relationship is still a foetus. A child who has a mental disorder and is hard to handle is still a child. Both precious in the sight of the Creator God.
what kind of precedent is this setting? Its like Lesley Martin who killed her mother (euthanasia). Apparently smothering her mother to death was the best thing to do. And the only reason she got pulled up for it was she was smug enough to admit doing it in a book she wrote.
who should control the right of a person to life or death? Whose prerogative is it to decide anothers fate?


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