Friday, May 02, 2008

King of the Hill comes out on top again...

Today I took my Gran to the hospital today for a foot check up thing. Afterward, I took her to a shoe store and got her some decent shoes so that she can wear her foot brace and so she will have a more supportive shoe. I got her a mary-jane type shoe, a sandal-y thing with a velcro strap over it. Gran thought they were very comfortable, and easy to get on and off.

I was rather pleased with myself for being good and taking her to get shoes, but silly me for thinking Mum would be proud of me too..... when she found out that the shoes weren't leather she said that she would have to take Gran to get some decent shoes, and that she wished my aunty had gone with her to get shoes, because then she would have got proper ones.

That reminds me of an episode of King of the Hill, where Peggy had gone home with her family to her parent's house. Her mother had never really had anything very uplifting or nice to say about her. Peggy saved her parents farm, and thought her mum would be really happy and proud of her, but she just said that it was Peggy's fault that the farm was in trouble in the first place. Peggy was really sad, but Frank told her that she didn't need to prove anything to her mother, she should just keep being who she was, and if her mother couldn't appreciate that then she shouldn't let that upset her.

I really identified with that - my mum's not a monster or anything, but she doesn't often praise me for anything, but I guess I've got to not let that upset me, and keep being who I am.


Blogger Nathan said...

Deep. I likes it.

10:53 pm  

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