Monday, December 19, 2005

rantoffishly boring

Speeding is illegal, its a breaking of the law. I'm not sure what classifies as speeding, though. For me, to go any more than 10kms over the speed limit is speeding. However if the speed limit is 50 kph then surely going 51 is speeding. Argh. Anyone else as confuzzled as I?
When I'm driving to work in South brighton I drive down Travis Road. Travis road is evil. Its a 50k stretch of barely residential road that joins an 80k zone and a 70k zone. Everyone speeds along it. Except me. I try and drive as close to 50 as possible. But it feels wrong. Its a long, straight stretch of former swamp land, that is starting to have houses built in little fancy areas to the sides of it. So for the first stretch there are driveways leading on to it, but not for the majority of it.

Anyway, it makes me want to speed. Very badly. Its an odd feeling. Rather, i imagine, like standing in a shop and staring at an item you want but have been told you cannot have. And being gripped with the feeling that if you keep looking at it for much longer your hand will whip out and grab it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are a couple of things I use to justify speeding:

The written law is not always the same as the actual law that is applied. So, police don't seem to care for those going 10 km/hr, so it's a bit more acceptable.

Secondly, safety is the most important issue. The speed limits are established for safety reasons, so so that an area marked 50 is marked like that to reduce accidents. Sometimes these are messed up, (and in these situations often police don't care). Now, sometimes being slow can be dangerous, especially when everyone is driving fast, as it can cause people to become irritated, and possibly undertake dangerous passing manevours.

On the other hand, we are meant to respect the government, and the government's laws (even if they don't abide by them themselves...).

So theres a tension. In this case, I'd argue that you probably should be closer to 60 than 50, otherwise other cars will get annoyed at you.

11:58 am  
Blogger Luuk Paulussen said...

Pretty much the only time you should speed is if you can afford the fine... And you're not allowed to get annoyed if you get one.

Well, that's probably going to sound wrong, what I actually mean is that you shouldn't speed if you can't afford the fine. I'm not trying to justify speeding based on how much money you have.

Basically you risk money, pain/death (you or somebody else), demerit points and your car.

9:15 am  

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