Saturday, June 19, 2004

i need a good slapping!

somebody please help me! Im so bored that i just watched Americas top model... BUT WAIT THERES MORE.....

i need a good slapping!!
I dont really get why people would want to play it.... I have vowed and declared many times before, and will reaffirm now, i am never letting my man play rugby. It looks like a vicious game.. and he might get hurt! yeah.

Aah well... seeing as im so far in this pit of boredom i'd better stop posting and get back to watching the game... not that i really understand whats going on! lol!
Im not sure which is worse... watching this rugger... or studying the Asian values debate regarding Human Rights and its cultural relativism....
i wish i could be a bum...

Oh wait, i got a question for everyone (thats "everyone" as in the 3 people that read my rantings, tee hee) If you were forced (eg me holding a hungry squirrel next to your stash of hard-earned acorns) to decide which celebrity i look most like (and you cant say none, which is the most correct answer... DAN CARTER JUST GOT A TRY!!! YAY!!!! *slap* stop it walker, that almost sounded like enthusiasm!) who would you say?


Blogger Michelle said...

oh no! you watched the rugby too?! Shame on us! *grin* i only watched the first half though... then i went off to dream about squirrels... no, i lie... what DID i dream about? i think it was strange things!
And HA! while i think about it, i didnt dream about dinosaurs the other night!! Your evil scheme didnt work! mwa ha ha!

Anyway, the celebrity thing was just cos Estie was saying the theme of the CU ball was hollywood... and i was like aw! all celebrities are blonde... so i'm trying to think of someone.. my brother suggested winona ryder... but she doesnt exactly have any distinctive fashion faux-pas or memorable moments (apart from when she got sent to jail for shoplifting)... so i'll have to keep thinking!

11:15 am  

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