Friday, October 07, 2005


Hmm... in a vaguely annoying way my trip to Australia has been put off a week. I am flying standby so will try to get over on the 23rd October, but if that flight is full then I will have to try for 6am Monday or Tuesday. Thats actually kinda sucky cos i will now have a whole week at home after finishing uni, and i've already got someone lined up to rent my room for those three weeks.
Now I have to work out what to do about that, and if I will work for that week, etc etc.
Plus it means that at the other end i'll either cut my trip short, or stay longer than i really wanted to!

So thats all rather annoying....
And I'm going to be at my Aunty's place, but she and my uncle work, plus my cousins will be at school. For a weekend I'm going to go to Mackay and see my other Aunty, who will take a day off school as well, so at least we'll be able to do stuff together =)

So yeah, kinda random, with rather mixed feelings towards this whole trip, but I think i'll be spending most of the time just chilling by myself in a strange city where I know but 5 people.....

Anyhoo... I am still grateful that they are paying for a trip for me, and it shall be lovely, i'm sure =)


Blogger Philotas said...

You really have to ask about either cutting short or staying longer?
hehe Stay :D

Do you have someone to pick you up from the airport? if not, i can think of someone! :)

we dont bite hard over here. thats Tasmania.

2:43 am  
Blogger Helen said...

You are going to Oz? Send me an email and give me some news!

4:51 am  

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